I couldn't wait to show you the amazing "Smocked Gauntlets" pattern by Heather of Sereknity. You can get the FREE (yes, free...she's crazy!) pattern here.
I went to Joanne's one day yarn sale at her store, A Knitter's Garden, on Saturday. Promised myself I would be good since I have the Grand View Lodge trip to save up for...and I was "kinda" good. I only bought one skein of Trekking (in a fantastic dark gray, yellow, green and white colorway...not my usual colors, but it really intrigued me...I think the fun is in figuring out what it will look like in the end, right?), 3 balls of Heirloom Breeze (an Australian yarn that is part wool, cotton and lycra) for socks in a light lilac and white...the pattern for these socks is from the new "Yarn" magazine from Austrailia...it's SUPER awesome...great pics, great patterns, book reviews and articles.
The last thing I bought was Heather's handpainted, superwash, sportweight yarn in "What Else?...Watermelon!". I had eyed it last time she brought it to knitting group, but wasn't sure if I wanted to take on ANOTHER sock project (I already have like 4 going)...I know, I know, "Socks Don't Count"...but how far can you REALLY take that? It's like Weight Watcher points...you can have a ton of zero point soup...but it does have calories, so at some point, your soup consumption will be up to, like, 10 points for the day! Ugh!
But, when I saw Heather's pattern right next to the yarn, I knew it was fate. So, without further ado, here is one of the wonderful watermelon gauntlets that I knitted up...which I have nicknamed "Happy Hand Huggers": (The other is 1/2 done)

What do you think? I tried to "pose" next to the beautiful new birdseed holder that my close friend, Chris, got for me. Isn't she pretty and peaceful? This next picture is a close up of the detail of pattern and yarn. Awesome, huh?

After knitting up my ipod holder, I noticed my ipod and Ian's ipod next to each other on the counter...each in its own felted ipod cozy that I'd made. At that moment, I knew I had to take a pic of both of them together....with a little felted "love heart" between them. (Everyone say together...."AWWWWW!" and shed a tiny, romantically-related tear.)

Before I go, I wanted to share a pic of the "boys" in my life (plus one) when we went apple picking yesterday. We got TONS of fresh, crispy, tart and sweet apples (YUUUUMMMM!), which will provide us, not only with apple pies/crisps/sauce, but also healthy digestive systems for at least a few weeks. Yeah! We also bought some freshly picked peaches, which I came home and immediately made Peach Cobbler out of. Though....poor me...I didn't even get ONE bite! Both Ian, Tim and his friend Mike had 2 dishes each. Wahhh! (guess I can always make another!)

Here is Ian, Ben, Mike and Tim.....what a cute picture. Ian, of course, is wearing one of his "lucky" tshirts...SpongeBob, which delights many children when we go places. It's too bad that it's almost in pieces...with huge holes underneath SpongeBob's eye and near his nose. It really needs to be retired soon. (I'm kinda glad though, because every time we want to be "intimate"...aka "have hot, steamy sex"....and Ian is holding me close to kiss, I end up eye level with SpongeBobs' huge, bulging eyes....Ian is quite taller than me..him being about 6 feet and me being 5'1". Either I've got SB, one of the characters from South Park, Ozzy Ozborne or a picture of the kids STARING at me when he's hugging me. Definitely NOT romantic!)
Remind me to buy him some new tshirts with better pictures...perhaps Keifer Sutherland from "24" or one of those hunks from "Lost" or Ewan McGregor...hmmm.......
Those watermelon Happy Hand Huggers are beautiful!
Go for the 24 t-shirt! :)
I love your fingerless mits! I plan to make a pair soon too - but girl, darn you are FAST!
Do you subscribe to "Yarn?" I was thinking about it since I can't find it locally and hear its great. Would you mind making me a copy of the sock pattern for the Heirloom Breeze (LOVE that yarn)???
Hey, I went apple picking yesterday too! Your boys are all gorgeous.
I love the HHHs! The watermelon colors are great.
Awwww ipod luv!
You are just too cute, you and your iPod covers -- di you actually make and felt the heart for the pic? THAT is blogger dedication. I love your mitts -- I haven't even mcast on #2 yet, and I'm the feakin' designer! You are TOO fast! lol...
Can't WAIT for Grand View!
I absoluely LOVE those happy hand huggers. BEAUTIFUL!
I love those colors!! Those are the colors in the needle cases. Cool.
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