A picture of the coming autumn to start off the evening.....my lovely marigolds sitting prettily in the backyard, like happy maidens waiting for their Prince Charmings.
SO.....how is everyone? Are you all happy that it's just about autumn? I AM!
I love driving down the winding roads to my house and seeing the cascading leaves falling all around me...the cool, blueish mornings and eating crisp, shiny apples right off the trees. Most of all, I look forward to the golden, soft, rippling light that comes in through the windows while I'm knitting and gently warms my hands and illuminates my stitches. Beautiful moments....
Last night's knitting group was FANTASTIC! I don't know if it was the combination of super friendly, energetic, inspiring and lovely knitters (with a handsome, young newbie we snagged named Mike...after he met us, I think he had a whole NEW idea of what a knitting group was! I think he was a little surprised when Chris and Jackie started listing nicknames of a woman's particular body part, but quickly started adding some himself!), but I had more fun last night than I've had in a while.
Not that EVERY Wednesday night isn't heaven-on-earth...which, for the most part, it is. But, you know how sometimes everyone is on the same page and everything just "clicks"? Well, that's how it was last night...maybe it was the "Sweet-Mama's-Sex-When-You-Want-It-Backyard-Punch" talking, but I don't think so. (Thanks for driving me home, Jackie!...I was just a "weedle bit wobbly"....fyi...I only had one glass of that potent stuff.)
Of course, I forgot the digital camera- AGAIN...so no pics from last night (although I hear that Jackie has one of Amanda kissing my boob or something) but everyone had great projects going and I loved seeing how they were coming out.
LUCILLE had a lavender/purples quilt she was working on...that was amazing and I loved it. DONNA was just about done with her basketweave shawl....wish it was mine! ERICKA was knitting her baby blue cashmere top that has a cable pattern to die for. JACKIE was more than halfway done with her super cute and lacey Hedera socks from Knitty.com and they are YUMMMY! CAROLINE finished the pale, butter yellow baby blanket she was crocheting and I couldn't stop looking at it...it was beautiful and that baby (and mom) are SOO lucky! CHRIS was working on his gloves (his OWN pattern, no less) and got at least one or two fingers knitted on it...angora and wool blend.....droool. The famous (or infamous) AMANDA was knitting in the black hole for a while on the Jaywalkers for her friend Eric, which are coming out mighty good, and then, luckily, she broke through the barrier to 4 inches. I know others were knitting super great stuff, but that's all my brain is remembering right now.
I don't remember much about what Heather was knitting because she was waving her "Magic Yarn Wand" at the table and a bunch of "to-die-for" handpainted yarns were dropping from the sky and my eyes were dazzled. While my eyes were still adjusting to the luscious yarns in front of me, she surprised me with the handpainted "fixation-like" yarns for my mom's socks....eeee!

Then, if I couldn't be shocked enough, she passed me a bag of:
Miss Tubbsie Yarn!

(This is a pic of the yarn near the little place we have Little Miss Tubbsie buried...a bunny statue and pretty pink flowering bush marks the site.)
Three sweet, sweet skeins of an angora/wool blend yarn handpainted in the loveliest, softest, and fuzziest pinks and whites. Oh, I almost cried. The colors reminded me exactly of my baby girl bunny and how delicate and loving she was. I have no idea what to do with this yarn yet, but it will have to be something that I can wear often and near to my heart...Amanda was thinking of a kind of collar scarf and I thought maybe a lacey short scarf. I don't know yet...but if anyone has any ideas or patterns, I'd LOVE to hear from you. (I think it's at least 300 yards of dk or worsted)
Thank you, thank you, Heather. You are my loving "Yarn Fairy"!
The only thing that could have been better was if my friend, Laurin was there. It is her birthday today and I was hoping to see her yesterday to give her a big hug. (I LOVE hugs!) So, Happy, Happy Birthday, Laurin and I hope you had a super day and liked the daisies!
I am going to designate the last Friday of this month as FO FRIDAY (which is not f*cuk off friday), but more innocently "Finished Object Friday". I'm going to list all of my totally finished projects since the year started and perhaps a link to a picture if I can. If I have TONS of extra time, I might list the yarns and patterns I used, but try not to get your hopes up. You're welcome to do the same for FO FRIDAY, but it would make me smile if you mentioned where you got the idea from or linked to my blog : )
Happy Knitting, you yarn-porn-addicts!!!
We loves us the yarn fairy.
Sounds like loads of fun last night!
FO Friday - I like it. Although, I also like the F*ck Off Friday idea :) I'd like to join in and post my FO's for the year, but I have given lots and lots of them away without taking pics. Damn! Maybe I'll get pictures of what I do have.
I'll have to pass off the pics I have (if you'll blog them!).
I love the idea of FO Friday. You just need a button.
Love the yarn!
I had the pleasure of drooling over your Miss Tubbsie Yarn before Heather trekked up to Manchester and boy is it gorgeous! I can't wait to see what you decide to make with it!
big hug to you from one hug lover to another
Loved the tubsie yarn.....also would love a visit from the yarn fairy, what does she like?
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