For all of the lovely, wonderful people who read my blog and sent their sympathies for Little Miss Tubbsie....thank you. Thank you for the sweet, kind words and the understanding of my deep sadness for my little bunny. I didn't realize how much she meant to me until she was gone (something you hear a lot, but never REALLY understand until it happens to you) and it helped me so much to read your emails and comments : ) Especially, thanks to Nichole for sending me the ecard and link to Rainbows sweet and to Heather for calling me and listening to me the other day.
The beautiful picture above is a view from Mt. Layfayette in the White Mountains where Ian, my son Tim and his friend, Mike, went last week to hike. When I saw this picture, I was awed by the peacefulness and mystery of it. How lucky they were to be there, huh?
Speaking of peacefulness...I was able to sneak out of the house today and join the knitting group in Concord today. It was nice to be around new faces....and a comfort to be around some of my best buddies. I knit on my "Circle of Cashmere Knitting" (which strangely enough is....don't read the next words if you're under 18 please....."COCK", that's lewd...sorry), which is a pleasure in all ways....the yarn (a 100% chinese cashmere in a cream color I got off of ebay) is like some soft, velvety cloud and the lace pattern is simple enough for me to memorize and not have to look at the pattern (woo-hoo!).
This piece of knitting (which I probably can't keep referring to as "COCK"...or shouldn't, anyway) was supposed to be a knit along with Lolly of the Giving Flower, but I realized that the style is really not me. So, (sorry Lolly!) I've decided (with Donna's executive decision) to keep going with the spiral circle and just make a big circle for a shawl (or possibly baby blanket).
Oh, back to Concord...Denise was super enough to open up the The Elegant Ewe for a bit so I could get THESE goodies:
Classic Elite Montera (2 pink and 1 turquoise)...for felted slippers and 2 balls of the new Regia Bamboo sock yarn....for socks, of course. YUMMY! (I also snagged the book, Shawls and Scarves by Knitter's Magazine from that book!)
Finally, want to share with you the gorgeous (and I mean, sooo fantastic) Finland jumperweight yarn I ordered from School House Press called Sakakieli. Wow! Will be using this for either the Serephim Shawl or one from the book I just got...haven't decided yet.
So, this week I hope to do these things:
1. Have the Giveaway...with pics of the yarn and books to pick.
2. Pics of the amazing self striping yarn that Heather of Sereknity dyed up...and I bought!
3. Pic of the super awesome bucket bag that Jackie made me...I've used it all weekend so far...thanks, Jackie!!!
4. Work on my grandma's Winter Wonderland socks and "Circle of Cashmere Knitting"...or you-know-what. Is my mind always in the gutter?
I think you could and should continue to refer to it as "COCK". But, well maybe not, since you said it's really soft - don't know about you, but soft is not how I like it ;-)
Good to have you back sweetheart. I'm dying to see your cashmere (and feel it of course!) And I am with you on the shawl -- I don't really think it is your style either (or mine), even though it is lovely. I can't wait to see what yours turns into!
That yarn looks very interesting..Sataskiel? What is it like? More details!!
Oh definitely keep going with the spiral-I can't wait to see how that looks. I think it's a great idea!
I think "COCK" (lol) would make a simply gorgeous baby blanket!!! I bet its sooooooo soft too. That would be one VERY lucky and special baby!!! :)
Julie -- you didn't! lmao
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