Ready for a pic...nah, I changed my mind....your hot, little knitting fingers aren't ready for such a shock.....
Or are they? Oh, okay...I'll be nice...
Can you believe how beautiful this is???? It's not only super soft (100% superwash merino fingering weight), but lovely, lovely to work with and I'm going to be a teasing, naughty friend right now and say "Nah nah- nah nah nah" to my super friend, Jackie because she won't be getting hers until tomorrow.....heh heh...I'm so evil, aren't I? ; )'s what you've been waiting for....(or I hope at least SOME of you in the blogging world out there...jeez, I'm being super optimistic, aren't I?)....the GIVEAWAY!!!
Here's what my SleepyEyes self is offering the lucky winner:
1. 5 skeins of hand-dyed, Sleepy Eyes yarn...."Green Apple Martini", "Merlot", and "Garden Tomato" 100% wool yarns (feltable) and the set of "Jiggly Jello" 100% nylon yarn, some of these yarns are in my Etsy store right now. The others were fun experiments.
2. 2 books...."The Idiot's Guide to Knitting and Crocheting" and "Zen and the Art of Knitting".
3. And a special little something from me, which is a surprise.
This giveaway can be yours if you....
*Email me right now (go to view my profile and, on the left hand side, will be button to email me) and let me know you're interested. Give me an idea why you think you should totally selfish here, okay?
*You will have to agree to not only go to my Etsy shop to buy the "Green Apple Martini" and "Jiggly Jello" as soon you as know YOU are the winner (not before you win), but also promise to send me pictures before the end of the 2006 year of something you have made with one or all of the yarns. ( A suggestion I have is to make a felted bag or something like that, since the yardage on each is small.) If you blog about the prize you win, I will be even happier : )
So, before you all head off to email me (right???), I have a little bit of happy news....
Yarn Botanika and I are teaming up to create a cool, online shop called "Fiber Fanatics". Right now, the shop is in its "drooly, baby infancy" and will most likely be upgraded to a more "awesome, kick-ass" shop soon....featuring our fiber-y and yarn-y photos on all sorts of goodies....tshirts, stamps, mugs, baby items, bags, posters, color prints, knitting journals, etc. (If you want a sneak peek, go here.) Tell me whatcha think, K?
Another tiny, bit of even happier news....
I will be designing a lace sock pattern for Black Pearl Yarns, a company which will be selling gorgeous, soft-as-a-baby's-bottom luxury should check out the blog, which will soon be displaying colors of the yarns...the names are amazing, too...very Zen and oriental. Think cashmere!!! (orgasmic!)
Have a super knitting evening!
P.S. My "COCK" (don't blame me...the name is back by popular demand) is growing should see the spirals! Fascinating!
ooooooooo! You have so many wonderful projects coming up! I am so excited for you (and me when I get a hold of some of the stuff, too!) Thanks for the props on the yarn! I am so excited to see it working up. Hooray! (and don't be so mean to poor See u tomorrow!
Can't wait to see more of the Cafe Press creations! Congrats on getting to design a pattern - VERY cool! The Gooey Gumdrops sock is lucious! And oh yea, dare I say it .. PICK ME, PICK ME... oh pretty, pretty please? lol
I hope you don't mind that I stole the yarn pic for my blog, but, well, you know! I just had to!
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