I had a rare treat on Saturday. Spending time with fantastic friends, visiting a yarn store and....most important of all....finally meeting Clover in person!!!
After many weeks of deliberation...we finally had a date we could all agree on to meet...Julie, Jackie and I....and, of course, Clover. LOL
Jackie and I drove up to Maine early in the morning and met up with Julie at her house (which is wonderful and very "Noolie-like"). We were greeted at the door by the little one herself...and, let me say, she's even more adorable in person than in her photos, if that's possible. She was a bit scared of us, I think, but was happy to let us sit and watch her play. Every second we were there, I wanted to nibble on those toes and squeeze those cheeks of hers...ooooh, the baby urge was strong!
I had knit Clover a little teddy bear before coming up and was able to give it to her in person...I think she liked it. She chewed on the ear almost immediately ; )
I love the picture of her at the start of the post...it's like she's saying to me, "Yeah, I'm on to you, lady. I'm going to accept this bear, but you're still a very suspicious person...."
This one's very cute of her playing and smiling....
When we had to leave, I was able to sneak a kiss to the top of her head (though she made a funny face...lol). I can just imagine how difficult it is for Julie to leave her when she has to go to work...oh, the strength she must have to leave that cutie ; )
After sadly leaving Clover, we all went to Portsmouth to the grand opening of the Yarn Basket. They're in their new location now...on the corner of Hanover and High Street....almost directly across from the parking garage, which is very convenient.
The place was not quite as big as I'd imagined, but definitely bigger than their old place. It still has that wonderful, friendly feeling and we were greeted right away by the new owner and by our argyle sock teacher, Jay Allen...one of the nicest and best knitting teachers around.
We had a great time shopping for yarn (see my loot below), chatting and soaking up the soothing (but also exciting) yarnish atmosphere. Because it was the grand opening, we were treated to a complimentary cookie (which I have to say was the MOST delicious cookie I've ever eaten...shortbread with royal icing maybe...I was dying for another one after eating mine at home) and a sample container of Soak wash.
Julie got some great yarn to make the Blue Sky Alpacas Fish toy for Clover, Jackie got enough Lopi in a super gray heather to make a DROPS jacket and this is what I got:
(L-R) 2 Skeins of Classic Elite "Lush" for a scarf, 2 skeins of Blue Sky Alpacas "Brushed Suri" for two "KeyHole Scarves" (this yarn is soo soft, furry and has bamboo in it!) and a mini crochet hook...not sure what I'll use it for, but maybe to pick up dropped stitches?
We were famished after shopping and ran right over to The Friendly Toast. Although we had to wait for about a half and hour for a table, it was so worth it! I had the most delicious grilled cheese sandwich ever with homefries and a drink called, "The Pinky"....appropriate name, huh?
It was a frappe with a mix of chocolate and vanilla ice cream and fresh raspberries. Oh, it was so good!
Jackie and Julie had some very interesting and yummy food, too. We were stuffed when we left. (But that did NOT stop us from visiting the chocolate store next and devouring some yummy chocolate covered strawberries, though!)
The day was so relaxed, so non-stressful, so....well, just wonderful! I think we all deserve a day like that...at least once in a while, don't you?
Oh my that bear is too cute...no wait, Clover is too cute.. no no the bear..no Clover...no wait the bear, yes yes the bear is too cute. Clover is too too cute!! There I figured it out!
Cute baby, yarn and chocolate! What a way to spend the day.
It sounds like you all had a wonderful day! That first picture of Clover is hysterical - she is definitely checking you out!
I had such a great time visiting with you and Jackie! Clover seemed to really love the both of you! She absolutely adores her new teddy bear; no one can get it out of her hands :-)
We need to do it again when you can stay longer!
What an adorable bear! The fact that Clover is beyond precious goes without words. I'm used to seeing her on Knitty Mama so when she popped up on your blog I wondered what I'd done. The trip sounds delightful.
Any day that starts with Clover and ends with chocolate is a great day. I had the best time!
Cute bear and a super cute baby. Sounds like a great day.
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