-Friday: the closing party for Ben's Summer Reading program (which we tried to go to, but Ben was scared of the Pirate Man), my sister visiting from RI and teaching yoga (my sister got to take my class, so that was fun).
-Saturday: weigh in at Weight Watchers (lost 4 pounds!!! almost up to losing 40!), try to give a Reiki treatment (my client got mixed up on the time...but not a big deal....missed seeing her, though) and going to Donna's 50th birthday party. Pictures? Well, no, I forgot my camera. Luckily, Jackie is the new picture taking fool...out with Gina Papparazzi and in with Jackie Papparazzi! (I'm kind of relieved...but I will still be taking pictures, don't worry)
-Sunday: clean the house frantically, get the kids ready to go out with Ian for a few hours while my sister and I host a Creative Memories scrapbook class....put out food, make little goody bags to give out and had to beg Kim (my sister) to go to the store because I ran out of napkins. Finally, everyone arrrived (thank you, thank you, Jackie for saving me!!!!) and we had a great time...or at least I did. We all made a "card" with some of our pictures and I bought a ton of stuff to make another album for 2006. I have 2005 almost done. Just have 2 more pages to fill up and that album is FINI!
After my sis left (sorry to see her go), I could breathe again and had all this delicious food left over to give the guys for supper and for Ian to have for lunch the next day (thank you everyone!!!...especially Chris and her amazing Chicken and Rice dish, which is ALWAYS the hit of any party).
Knitting updates? Well, not much. I have to redo part of my Toe Socks...they were almost done, but the foot came out a bit too big and I just have to rip it back (waaaah!), got another 1 inch done on my lingerie and started a bath towel out of Euroflax linen...will link in the next blog. I'm pooped today...and lazy.
Pictures? Well, again, a few, but more next time...
1. My Tigerlily/Marigolds sock in the Jaywalker pattern using awesome sock yarn from Yarn Botanika.
2. The AMAZING (and sexy) Jackie last Wedensday at knitting (holding the glass I got from Amanda...see both below).
3. The ADORABLE (and lovely) Amanda, who is determined to finish up a few projects by the end of the month. I KNOW she can do it...you should see the cardigan she's made that's almost done....awesome!
4. The GLASS...a gift from Amanda to symbolize my drinking half a marguarita two weeks ago and acting like a fool...also can be used as a glass for drinking if I really wanted to get totally drunk (and perhaps go into a coma from all that liquor). Love it!
and, finally,
5. The MOHAIR (in rainbow colors!!!) that I want to knit up into a sweater for myself...maybe with bell sleeves and a nice, boat neck...must ask Denise or Donna how I can do this. Might use the pink mohair that Ericka bought me a year ago at the Sheep and Wool for the collar or arms or something. I love that stuff!
So, what're you all knitting on right now?
Also, if my KSKS (sock kit pal) is reading right now....where are youuuuuu????
Someone has been playing with the digital photo software! :o)
Jays look great - very much like my first pair (Skacel Trampoline in an tiger-y pattern).
Awesome pictures (except the one of me... too vampy i think). I love that mohair! Very nice.
Beautiful socks! I haven't yet tried the Jaywalkers, but plan to soon.
I can relate to the story about Ben being afraid of the Pirate - my daughter was PAINFULLY shy when she was young (actually until around middle school age) and was terrified of anything in a costume. I can remember a trip to Chucky Cheese when she was 5 and had an actual panic attack as soon as we walked in the door just thinking about seeing him!
Great on weight watchers!! I am going back on..... I would love to know which of their programs you are doing!
Gorgeous mohair - can't wait to see what you do with it!
Hi! What a glass! I think it could be used for your breakfast cereal (maybe only on special days) or perhaps for ice cream?
Love the socks. Haven't tried Jaywalkers yet either - have heard they are smallish and snug and since I have very large feet would definitely require some altering.
One of my kids was afraind of clowns when he was little. Made me stop and wonder why every kid-related event seemed to have one. And why do they always give out latex balloons when they are known to be a choking hazard to kids under 5?
I am on the cuffs of my first two socks-toe up-Magic Loop socks. They have been really fun (except for having to rip out an inch of patterned ribbing and change to a smaller needle since the leg section was actually getting wider).
The party sounds like it was a lot of fun. Getting together with friends, food and creating something should be a monthly requirement. Your Marigold Jays look wonderful. Maybe you could get a Beta fish for the ginormous glass! Your mohair looks yummy.
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