Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Cashmere Chase Concluded

Originally uploaded by yogagardengirl32.
Finally! Finally! I found the wonderful, awesome fiber artist that created this cashmere yarn. I was forced to go through my stash (to semi-dilute it for the upcoming yarn swap with my knitting group) and was THRILLED to find the business card for this cashmere yarn creatoress.

I squealed and shrieked and smiled until my face hurt.

Then, I RAN downstairs to the iBook and looked at her website. There wasn't anything similar to the yarn I have, but...oh...the gorgeous, hand-dyed yarns and rovings....it was breathtaking...must have been on the computer for ages just looking and DROOLING! (she also has Perfect Buttons, literally)

This amazing artist is named Robin Pascal and you can find her here:


I emailed and babbled on to her about my love for this yarn and asked if she'd be making more...also somewhat begging her to create some colorways I was thinking of....she wrote back the next day! Awesome! She was very friendly and said she would be ordering and creating more cashmere in about a month.

EEEEEEEK! (a few jumps in the air and a little dance)

I'm sure my husband will be less than thrilled for me and my find....primarily because it means spending more money on yarn..."don't you have enough yarn already?" is the look I always get...sometimes the words, too. Clearly, he is a HAYSE...husband and yarn stash enemy. Must find suitable way to deal with him....

More later...I hear footsteps of the manly variety....

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